Nan-Chen Chen

nanchen [AT]

I am currently a PhD candidate in Human-Centered Design and Engineering (HCDE) at the University of Washington. As a member of the Human-centered Data Science Lab (HDS Lab), I work with Prof. Cecilia Aragon. I also work closely with my committee member Dr. Been Kim and researchers at Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2). In addition, I am a member of the Design-Use-Build (DUB) group. I received my B.S. degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering with a minor in Psychology from National Taiwan University in 2013, where I worked with Prof. Hao-Hua Chu.

My research focuses on human-computer interaction and visualization. I am particularly excited about building visualization for complex artificial intelligence (AI) systems and machine learning (ML) models. Specially, I work on interactive visualization and visual analytics for AI/ML developers to explore and understand data in AI/ML development workflows, with the goals to discover directions for improving the systems/models. Please find more details of my project in Projects.

I grew up in Taipei, Taiwan. It is a city with extremely convenient public transportation systems, bike-friendly streets, and countless taxis (This means one can live without a car). In addition, one can find food anytime anywhere in Taipei. We have many great night markets, various restaurants, and super convenient convenience stores. Taipei is also famous for its rainy weather - this is one of the reasons why I chose to study in Seattle. ;-)